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The power condenser coils are very aesthetical


AXA Power has already provided nearly 260 points, 400 Hz power units and ground power strips in remote areas and cargo and maintenance sheds, managed by Qatar Airways. 80 of these units have been delivered to the warehouse designated A380 service among others. And like everything else in the new airport is a state of the art.
In fact, it was the AXA Power condenser coils, which do not open the door to this project interesting and challenging at the airport, Elvstroem explained by the condenser coils power is a very aesthetic solution that is suitable for passenger boarding bridges. This year, the AXA Power will be second to produce 100-400 Hz condenser coils ndia.
AXA will be about 70 pc for the unit's advanced pre-conditioned air. AXA PCA to provide a clean, fresh air to the parked aircraft to monitor the temperatures. It offers a pleasant atmosphere for the crew and passengers for the next and help make the aircraft turn-around quickly and efficiently.
AXA Power is the first modular PCA on the market and the first with infinite power. CPA to provide accurate flow of fresh air that is required - neither more nor less. All this makes the technology much better than PSA AXA traditional PCA. It also means lower energy costs, less noise and less downtime, which means satisfied customers and better profits.
AXA Power Partnership is designed around the same cooling modules that are easy to replace. Each module can be easily slide out from the rack and replaced it with a new one. This can only be done in 20 minutes! And no need to call a professional knowledge of the specific heat exchange cooling module because each module is a closed loop system. AXA Power is also a partnership can continue to provide cold air to a form in use. This means that the module fault result in very little downtime! The modular design also allows considerable savings on spare parts for replacement.

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