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The demand makes heat exchanger technicians valuable to people


"People will pay to be cool, whatever," said Joe Savage, Doc Savage Heating & Air Conditioning.
This year, the high temperatures hit the area of ​​Augusta earlier than usual, and Savage said he and his staff began receiving calls for repairs in April.
"This year has started better than average," he said. "The heat increased rapidly in May and we are left with an early start."
Even if a company semiseasonal, Savage said, the heat exchanger is something that people rarely comes without it.
"As people are not happy, I'm happy," he said. "It's pretty recession proof."
Tony Duggan, owner of Duggan Heating and Air, said the heat in early spring has kept constant.
"We're always busy at this time of year, but the workload has begun early this year, and has been more intense, faster," he said.
The application is heat exchanger technicians valuable for people like Duggan.
"We're always adding staff to answer the question," he said.
Savage said the most common problem in heat exchanger units is dirty coils or low coolant level.
To prevent the system to break down just before the festival or the record-high day, Savage, we recommend that you get twice a year for the service.
"Everybody hits the panic button when it went from 90 degrees," he said.
Dale Lokey is a co-owner of Holliman's Air Service, and decided that the maintenance is the key.
Lokey preaches preventive maintenance, usually in spring and autumn. Its technicians to clean the system and check the coolant level, which is only licensed heat exchanger technicians are able to do.
"You want to make sure that you get a license, insurance and related workers," said Lokey. "Not just anyone can repair a system."
Savage said there is often a lot of urgency in the voice of the customer calling dead air units, especially since there are several ways to do without fresh air during the summer.
"If the device breaks, there are many ways to warm up," he said. "With heat exchanger, however, there is only what we can do."

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